About Us
Current Research
Secure Spread
SMesh is a seamless wireless mesh network being developed by
the Distributed System and Networks Lab
at Johns Hopkins University.
It provides peer-to-peer connectivity, Internet connectivity, and
fast handoff to mobile clients across the mesh.
Clients get connected automatically through standard DHCP. No software or
drivers need to be installed on the mobile devices. SMesh takes care of
providing end-to-end connectivity transparently for the clients.
SMesh operates in regular 802.11 IBSS mode. Its hierarchical
architecture separates the mobile clients from the infrastructure.
Clients send and receive data through the infrastructure and do not
rely on other clients to forward their packets. This separation
allows for transparent and efficient protocols to be deployed without
any modification of the standard mobile devices. SMesh underlying
communication infrastructure is built on a customized version of
Spines, a messaging system that provides
multi-hop communication between the wireless mesh nodes through a
transparent socket API.
SMesh is used to conduct research on real wireless deployments, and
also serves as a distributed wireless access point for
DSN lab members (and anyone else upon request). It
is currently deployed on 14 nodes across several floors of
the New Engineering Building, Shaffer Hall, and Maryland Building at Hopkins.
The access point software runs on Linux boxes, including the widely available
Linksys WRT54-G/GL/GS router. Tested mobile clients on our deployment
include unmodified Windows XP, Mac OS-X, Windows-Mobile, Palm OS and Linux.
SMesh was created by
Yair Amir,
Claudiu Danilov,
Raluca Musaloiu-Elefteri, and
Nilo Rivera,
and is currently developed at the Distributed Systems and Networks Lab
at Johns Hopkins University.
Related publications
The SMesh Wireless Mesh Network (accepted version)
Accepted to ACM Transactions of Computer Systems (ACM TOCS).
Yair Amir,
Claudiu Danilov,
Raluca Musaloiu-Elefteri,
Nilo Rivera
A Robust Push-to-Talk Service for Wireless Mesh Networks
In Proceedings of the 7th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (IEEE SECON 2010),
Boston, MA, USA, June 2010
Yair Amir,
Raluca Musaloiu-Elefteri,
Nilo Rivera
On Redundant Multipath Operating System Support for Wireless Mesh Networks
In Proceedings of the Third IEEE Workshop on Wireless Mesh Networks (WiMesh 2008),
San Francisco, CA, USA, June 2008
Yair Amir,
Claudiu Danilov,
Michael Kaplan,
Raluca Musaloiu-Elefteri,
Nilo Rivera
An Inter-domain Routing Protocol for Multi-homed Wireless Mesh Networks
In Proceedings of 2007 International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (Helsinki, Finland, June 18 - 21, 2007). WoWMoM '07. IEEE, 1-10.
Yair Amir,
Claudiu Danilov,
Raluca Musaloiu-Elefteri,
Nilo Rivera
Fast Handoff for Seamless Wireless Mesh Networks
In Proceedings of the 4th international Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications and Services (Uppsala, Sweden, June 19 - 22, 2006). MobiSys '06. ACM, New York, NY, 83-95.
Yair Amir,
Claudiu Danilov,
Michael Hilsdale,
Raluca Musaloiu-Elefteri,
Nilo Rivera
SECON '10 presentation [pdf, ppt]
WiMesh '08 presentation [pdf]
WoWMoM '07 presentation [pdf, ppt]
MobiSys presentation [pdf, ppt]