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Credits/===========================================================================\ | SMesh | | Copyright (c) 2005 - 2008 Johns Hopkins University | | All rights reserved. | | | | SMesh is licensed under the SMesh Open Source License | | You may only use this software in compliance with the License. | | A copy of the License can be found at the LICENSE file provided with | | your distribution or by contacting us at smesh-at-dsn.jhu.edu. | | | | SMesh is developed at the Distributed Systems and Networks Lab, | | The Johns Hopkins University. | | | | Creators: | | Yair Amir yairamir@dsn.jhu.edu | | Claudiu Danilov claudiu@dsn.jhu.edu | | Raluca Musaloiu-Elefteri ralucam@dsn.jhu.edu | | Nilo Rivera nrivera@dsn.jhu.edu | | | | Major Contributors: | | Michael Hilsdale mhilsdale@dsn.jhu.edu | | Michael Kaplan kaplan@dsn.jhu.edu | | | | WWW: www.smesh.org www.dsn.jhu.edu | | Contact: smesh_at_smesh.org | | | | Version 2.3, Built Apr 1, 2008 | | | | This product uses Spines. | | For more information about Spines, see https://spines-org.github.io/ | | | | This product uses software developed by Spread Concepts LLC | | for use in the Spread toolkit. | | For more information about Spread, see http://www.spread.org | | | \===========================================================================/ |